FSMVÜ | Directorate of International Relations
Bize Ulaşın
Bize Ulaşın

The Department of Health, Culture, and Sport is the administrative department that carries out services related to culture, sports, health, food, housing, and social services. The services offered to students are as follows:

  • Food Services (Dining Hall & Cafeterias)

All campuses are equipped with dining halls and cafeterias that cater to both students, academic staff, administrative staff, and guests. Dining halls are open on business days between 11:00 and 14:00. Cafeterias are open from 7:30 to 19:00 (22:00 in Halic Campus).

  • Student Housing

SKS helps students find suitable private dormitories or housing close to the campus they are attending courses.

  • Health Services

SKS provides health services in all campuses. Medical rooms with expert health personnel are available throughout the day for standing examinations, healthcare services, meeting a student’s daily medical needs, emergency first aid, and transporting the student to the nearest hospital in case such a need arises.

  • Psychological Guidance

The psychological counseling unit provides free spiritual, emotional, and social support for all students to help them overcome their difficulties. Students can benefit from both individual counseling and group therapies. Psychological counseling is implemented with an appointment system and counseling is conducted according to strict principles of confidentiality.

  • Sports

Various sports and sporting events like football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, chess, etc. are held on campuses in which both students and academic/administrative staff can take part for leisure, protecting physical health, developing physical skills, and the habit to work as a team. The university takes part in sports competitions in various branches organized by the Turkish University Sports Federation, municipalities, and private organizations.

  • Part-Time Work

Every year part-time work opportunities are provided for our students within the units and departments of the university. Student applications are taken by SKS and through the part-time student selection committee the students are selected based on the unit’s/department’s needs and the student’s abilities. Students are provided with health insurance, salaries, and dining opportunities for their work.

  • Cultural Services

SKS organizes concerts, conferences, panels, theaters, cultural trips, art activities, and so on in accordance with our student’s, academic, and administrative staff’s requests and incentives and cooperates with organizations to provide wider cultural and artistic benefits to the students.

It also organizes self-improvement courses and working groups for arts, photography, music, crafts, etc. to help the students make good use of their free time.


Location: Haliç Campus

Website: sks.fsm.edu.tr

Tel: +90 212 521 81 00 / Ext: 4049 & 4061

E-mail: sks@fsm.edu.tr

International Relations